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The more popular the channel is – the higher the probability that the video will enter the “Recommendations” section, where content that the user has not yet seen is usually shown. Therefore, even if the content is not very interesting to us, sometimes we subscribe to the channel when we see that its owner has a large audience. It is known that the effect of the crowd is important to a person.

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The number of subscribers is an unspoken marker for any user who decides to follow the activities of the author of a particular channel. This social network gives the opportunity to search and view interesting stories, clips, videos and films, as well as to pause, rewind and review them an unlimited number of times. For many users, YouTube is a kind of television replacement. YouTube is one of the most sought-after and easy to use video hosting sites around the world, which enables people from all over the world to post, edit, comment and watch videos on the Internet.

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